Background Checks
Why Conduct a Background Check?
Criminal vs Complete Background Checks
Two common investigations are criminal and complete background checks.
Criminal Background Check: The sole purpose of a criminal background check is to determine whether or not the person has a criminal record.
Complete Background Check: A complete background investigation involves looking at all public records that are available. This can include driving records, education and employment history, and more. A criminal check does have its limitations. For example, in some states, a DUI shows up in a driving record but not in a criminal record.
You may want to have a person submit to a background investigation before:
Hiring a New Employee
Taking on a New Tenant
Making an Investment
Hiring a Nanny
Selecting a Public Official (i.e. Police Chief or Fire Chief)
There is no standard or routine background check. The investigation should be tailored to your areas of concern, reasons for finding out more, and your overall needs. Whether you’re hiring a new employee, looking for a nanny, or are about to make new investments, a background check can ensure the safety of everyone involved.
Five Reasons Why Background Checks Are Crucial For Recruitment
Reason One:
Determine Whether Candidate is Qualified for the Position
Background checks can help employers determine whether an applicant is faking or overstating their credentials. Hiring an individual who is not a fit for the job can cause companies to waste valuable resources due to time and money they would have to spend in training that particular employee. This will, of course, include the company’s subsequent efforts to rehire and replace this employee.
Reason Two:
Protect the Company’s Reputation and Organizational Assets
Background checks can help employers determine whether an applicant is faking or overstating their credentials. Hiring an individual who is not a fit for the job can cause companies to waste valuable resources due to time and money they would have to spend in training that particular employee. This will, of course, include the company’s subsequent efforts to rehire and replace this employee.
Reason Three :
Safeguard Against Negligent Hiring Claims
For example, someone claimed to have been sexually assaulted by the company’s employee and filed a negligent hiring case against the company. The lawsuit claims that the company failed to conduct a thorough screening process and that had they been more thorough in checking the backgrounds of their respective employees, this incident would not have happened.
Dealing with lawsuits like this can be costly, not t mention damaging to the reputation of the company. Conducting proper background checks are even more important in these cases, as they help absolve companies of liability in the event of negligent hiring claims.
Reason Four:
Ensure the Safety of Other Employees
A candidate may appear perfectly pleasant during the interview stage, but that does not assure that this person will remain so for the rest of their stay in the company. Employers must always investigate candidates prior to hiring, as this will help them uncover anger management issues, hidden criminal records, or anything in their personal or professional history that suggests that they may cause harm to other employees.
Reason Five:
Avoiding Employee Theft
According to recently compiled statistics, at 75 percent of employees have stolen at least once from their employer, and 33 percent of all business bankruptcies are caused by employee theft. Given the high possibility of such occurrences, and how much it affects the businesses involved, it becomes even more essential to ensure that the company takes every available measure to avoid such instances. Theft can also be done at the expense of other employees, so think of background checks as a measure to protect all employees within the company.

How Do You Conduct a Background Check?
There are automated backgrounds checks available via the internet, but that information is often incomplete or inaccurate. Each record, whether found through the internet or another source, needs to be verified for validity. A private investigator can provide detailed and accurate information about a person and ensure that the information is accurate.
Problems and Limitations of Online Background Checks
- Not all records are available online
- The information may not be accurate or up-to-date
- The validity of the record still needs to be verified
- Does not include checking references, past employers, degrees, etc.
Working With an investigator
Working with an investigator is the best way to ensure that the information you receive is accurate and reliable. A background check investigator can also give you further insight into the person’s character through interviews
Information You Need
Having as much information as possible can make the background investigation a quicker process. Some information you may want to have.
- Full name with the middle initial
- Date and location of birth
- Social Security Number
- Schools attended and awarded degree
- Past Employers
Although it is ideal to have all of the above, a good investigator can research a person with very little information.